Finally available: the Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies for the Wider Caribbean Region
The first Compendium of Sanitation Systems and Technologies for the Wider Caribbean Region has been published and can be downloaded for free!
Adapted to the characteristics of the region, it will serve as a guidance document for engineers and planners in the Caribbean and beyond.The compendium builds on the considerable efforts made by previous authors and partnerships to promote improved sanitation by providing an easily accessible guide and knowledge base. The authors of the compendium believe that “our on-going collective efforts in the region will help to ensure the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goal on sanitation (SDG6). Doing so, we will substantially contribute to achieving water security and enabling other SDGs, e.g. health and well-being, life on land and below water, as well as climate action.” As a source of information about wastewater treatment and reuse, this compendium can serve as a tool for climate change adaptation in a region that faces extreme weather events like floods and droughts more and more frequently.
The compendium was elaborated by BORDA Las Américas in cooperation with CWWA, CAWASA, SuSanA Latinoamérica and EAWAG. It was granted by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH acting on behalf of the Inter-American Development Bank and the German Federal Ministry of Cooperation and Development in the framework of the GEF CReW+ project funded by the Global Environment Facility.
You can access and download the full document here.
Author: Tizian Kümpel