Sanitation for Millions


Sanitation for Millions is a global programme improving access to safe sanitation and hygiene with a focus on vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. More than two million people have already benefitted directly from the project’s measures. Sanitation for Millions builds female-friendly and inclusive sanitary facilities at schools, healthcare facilities, and faith-based institutions, trains local professionals to operate and maintain them, and promotes safe hygiene practices through targeted campaigns and knowledge transfer.


Why access to safe sanitation and hygiene matters

A lack of access to safe sanitation is more than an uncomfortable circumstance. It means a serious risk to human health. Despite being a human right and clearly defined as SDG 6 in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, around 3.5 billion people remain without access to safe sanitation. About 539 million students do not have basic sanitation in their schools and circa 780 million people depend on healthcare facilities without any sanitation.

To effectively and safely manage their menstruation, girls and women require access to water, sanitation and hygiene facilities, appropriate and affordable menstrual hygiene materials, information on good practices, and a supportive environment. By providing these resources, Sanitation for Millions improves the health, self-esteem, and future opportunities of girls and women.


3.6 billion people
still do not have access
to safe sanitation

540 million students
do not have basic sanitation
in their school

780 million people
depend on healthcare facilities
without any sanitation
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3.5 billion people
still do not have access
to safe sanitation

539 million students
do not have basic sanitation
in their school

780 million people
depend on healthcare facilities
without any sanitation

Our Achievements

As of June 2024, Sanitation for Millions provided access to safe sanitation and hygiene in public institutions and at household level for more than two million people worldwide. With its innovative, sustainable, and inclusive approaches, the programme focuses on disadvantaged and vulnerable groups, considering the specific needs of women and girls.

Our Achievements

Persons benefitting directly from access to safe sanitation and hygiene
„Safe sanitation and hygiene are basic conditions for a good and healthy life.“

Where we work

Sanitation for Millions is currently implementing activities in Colombia, Jordan, Pakistan, and Uganda. Explore our work on the country pages and learn how we improve access to safe sanitation and hygiene.

Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation

SDG 6 aims to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. Its targets include efforts for safe and affordable drinking water, ending open defecation, provision of access to sanitation and hygiene, wastewater treatment and reuse.

How we contribute to its achievement

Our primary goal is to provide adequate and equitable access to sanitation, particularly for vulnerable groups. To achieve this, we construct and rehabilitate sanitation and handwashing facilities as well as wastewater treatment solutions. Beyond infrastructure, we also facilitate capacity building, awareness campaigns, and knowledge exchange on various topics such as operation and maintenance of facilities and hygiene practices.

How we contribute to its achievement

SDG 3 intends to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” and includes, among others, targets to fight communicable diseases, end preventable childhood deaths, and achieve universal health coverage.

How we contribute to this achievement

We promote hygiene education and awareness, for example on handwashing, which prevents the spread of diseases. Our work on improving equal access to safe sanitation and water as well as wastewater treatment prevents various water-borne and diarrhoeal diseases, which especially affect children. By focusing on improving WASH in healthcare facilities, we directly improve infection control and prevention as well as the health of patients, staff and communities.

SDG 4 Quality Education

SDG 4 aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. Consequently, its targets include equal access to education, affordable technical, vocational as well as higher education, elimination of discrimination in education and the provision of inclusive and safe schools.

How we contribute to this achievement

By providing barrier-free and female-friendly sanitary facilities at schools, we ensure equal access to students of all abilities and genders. The work on menstrual hygiene is proven to prevent girls from missing valuable days of education or even dropping out of school. Moreover, we promote hygiene education in schools by organizing WASH clubs and “Toilets Making the Grade” school competitions. Our cooperation with universities fosters knowledge exchange, improves technical education and provides students with practical insights, for example on wastewater treatment technology.

SDG 5 Gender Equality

SDG 5 intends to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” via targeting discrimination, ending violence and exploitation of women and girls, ensuring full participation of women in leadership, ensuring universal access to reproductive rights and health and fostering equal rights and economic resources.

How we contribute to this achievement

We are committed to including women equally in all leadership roles decision-making processes. Moreover, our focus on providing female-friendly sanitary facilities promotes equal access to education, employment and medical treatment. Our work on menstrual hygiene empowers women and girls by mitigating health risks and overcoming social stigma.

SDG 14 Life below Water

SDG 14 aims to “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”. To achieve this, it sets targets to reduce marine pollution, protect and restore ecosystems, reduce acidification, conserve coastal and marine areas, increase the economic benefits deriving from sustainable use of marine resources as well as to to promote knowledge, research and technology for ocean health.

How we contribute to this achievement

The treatment of wastewater is crucial to for the protection of marine biodiversity. Thus, we promote Integrated Water and Wastewater Management (IWWM), particularly in the wider Caribbean region, where we implement feasibility studies, financing mechanisms, pilot projects and knowledge sharing on wastewater treatment.

Moreover, we are working towards establishing waste management solutions, for example of medical waste and plastics in health care facilities, which can reduce the amount of waste ending up in the environment and, ultimately, the oceans.

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SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation

SDG 6 aims to “ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all”. Its targets include efforts for safe and affordable drinking water, ending open defecation, provision of access to sanitation and hygiene, wastewater treatment and reuse.

How we contribute to its achievement:

Our primary goal is to provide adequate and equitable access to sanitation, particularly for vulnerable groups. To achieve this, we construct and rehabilitate sanitation and handwashing facilities as well as wastewater treatment solutions. Beyond infrastructure, we also facilitate capacity building, awareness campaigns, and knowledge exchange on various topics such as operation and maintenance of facilities and hygiene practices.

SDG 3 Good Health and Wellbeing

SDG 3 intends to “ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages” and includes, among others, targets to fight communicable diseases, end preventable childhood deaths, and achieve universal health coverage.

How we contribute to this achievement:

We promote hygiene education and awareness, for example on handwashing, which prevents the spread of diseases. Our work on improving equal access to safe sanitation and water as well as wastewater treatment prevents various water-borne and diarrhoeal diseases, which especially affect children. By focusing on improving WASH in healthcare facilities, we directly improve infection control and prevention as well as the health of patients, staff and communities.

SDG 4 Quality Education

SDG 4 aims to “ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all”. Consequently, its targets include equal access to education, affordable technical, vocational as well as higher education, elimination of discrimination in education and the provision of inclusive and safe schools.

How we contribute to this achievement:

By providing barrier-free and female-friendly sanitary facilities at schools, we ensure equal access to students of all abilities and genders. The work on menstrual hygiene is proven to prevent girls from missing valuable days of education or even dropping out of school. Moreover, we promote hygiene education in schools by organizing WASH clubs and “Toilets Making the Grade” school competitions. Our cooperation with universities fosters knowledge exchange, improves technical education and provides students with practical insights, for example on wastewater treatment technology.

SDG 5 Gender Equality
SDG 5 intends to “achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls” via targeting discrimination, ending violence and exploitation of women and girls, ensuring full participation of women in leadership, ensuring universal access to reproductive rights and health and fostering equal rights and economic resources.
How we contribute to this achievement:
We are committed to including women equally in all leadership roles decision-making processes. Moreover, our focus on providing female-friendly sanitary facilities promotes equal access to education, employment and medical treatment. Our work on menstrual hygiene empowers women and girls by mitigating health risks and overcoming social stigma.
SDG 14 Life below Water
SDG 14 aims to “conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development”. To achieve this, it sets targets to reduce marine pollution, protect and restore ecosystems, reduce acidification, conserve coastal and marine areas, increase the economic benefits deriving from sustainable use of marine resources as well as to to promote knowledge, research and technology for ocean health.
How we contribute to this achievement:
The treatment of wastewater is crucial to for the protection of marine biodiversity. Thus, we promote Integrated Water and Wastewater Management (IWWM), particularly in the wider Caribbean region, where we implement feasibility studies, financing mechanisms, pilot projects and knowledge sharing on wastewater treatment. Moreover, we are working towards establishing waste management solutions, for example of medical waste and plastics in health care facilities, which can reduce the amount of waste ending up in the environment and, ultimately, the oceans.


We are working towards access to safe sanitation and hygiene for all and we want people to learn from our approaches and experiences and to know about our achievements. Thus, we produce factsheets, studies and other selected publications on a regular basis. Check them out!

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A person washing their hands with soap while wearing a bracelet with the words "Sanitation for Millions".

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„Participation and engaging people is the way towards sustainable sanitation.“